Video Results:

Interpreting TSV, MoneyStream & Balance of Power
Peter Worden
Peter Worden, co-founder of Worden Brothers, teaches live at an award-winning TC2000 training class in Tampa FL. He delves into the interpretation techniques for Worden proprietary technical indicators Time Segmented Volume, MoneyStream and Balance of Power created by his father, Don Worden. Peter demonstrates how to use these indicators to establish the primary bias of a stock by ferreting out what the 'smart money' is currently doing. By walking through the indicator development in chart setups of actual stocks Peter helps you learn the basic principles for practical application of these exclusive indicators on the stocks you follow and trade.

Hybrid Indicators
Martha Stokes, C.M.T.
There are dozens of indicators you can use in TC2000. In this video, you will learn how to select the right indicators for your trading style and strategies. You will learn how the professionals design their trading systems using hybrid indicators from the list on TC2000. You will learn how to customize your settings, determine the proper periods, and test your indicators. You will also learn whether the indicator is working properly or not. This is hands-on session including a workbook on how to create the best indicator tool kit for you

Fast Track Your Trading
Martha Stokes, C.M.T.
In this video, Martha teaches you how to: streamline your trade analysis, find more power-packed trades faster, identify stocks poised to move with sudden momentum, and increase each trade's profits with better exits. Martha also shows how the use of Bollinger Bands, Time Segmentaed Volume, Balance of Power and other leading indicators assist in these efforts. In this "hands-on" training sessions, you will learn Martha's techniques for "speed screening" stocks using hybrid indicators, trailing profit stops, and when to exit for optimal profits.

Winning Stock Selection Simplified - Vol I
Peter Worden
In Winning Stock Selection Simplified, Peter Worden refines two decades of analysis experience into a simple 30 minute you can easily make a part of your own daily practice. But even Peter admits - you have to peruse lots of individual stock charts– there is no getting around it. If you are afraid of hard work, this video is not for you. If you are the type of person always striving to better your skills, you will learn a lot! Don’t let the hard-work part scare you. Peter Worden doesn’t want to pore over hundreds of charts any more than you do. That’s why he has developed his own techniques to maximize efficiency and save time. He does an excellent job of sharing these with you.

Winning Stock Selection Simplified - Vol II
Peter Worden
Peek over Peter Worden's shoulder as he flags his favorite patterns for his WatchList. This video is a great way to get a real-life “feel for charts” as opposed to static, hand-picked, textbook examples. Then, the real value comes when you learn to make your own list. Build it using Peter Worden’s exact MACD Crossover EasyScans and MoneyStream Visual Sorts or tweak them to your specs.

Winning Stock Selection Simplified - Vol III
Peter Worden
In this video, Peter Worden shares his personal "TSV Stochastic" EasyScans that he uses to find stocks with room to run - in both directions. Learn by example as he browses more than 80 charts, highlighting those that demonstrate attractive long-term reversal patterns.

Winning Stock Selection Simplified - Vol IV
Peter Worden
Peter Worden shows you an improved stochastic indicator that recognizes new trading ranges much quicker than a traditional stochastic. Follow along with Peter as he uses this new stochastic to find stocks making a long double bottom and then popping. Once into the scan results, Peter does what he does best. He reads the charts to you one-by-one pointing out nuances that are certain to improve your skills at interpreting stock charts

Interpreting MoneyStream
Peter Worden
This popular video will help you pick up key MoneyStream® concepts that will improve your ability to follow the smart money trail in the market. You'll learn how MoneyStream relates to price through both confirming and contradictory chart patterns; Peter Worden will walk you step-by-step through many charts to provide concrete examples of favorable patterns in this unique cumulative indicator.

Scanning & Sorting with MoneyStream
Peter Worden
This video builds on the foundation laid in Peter Worden’s video "Interpreting MoneyStream". Here, Peter offers a step-by-step lesson in how to quickly acquire a list of all charts with stand-out bullish and bearish MoneyStream® patterns using TC2000's EasyScan tool.

Best of 2011 Training Classes: Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson
This video lecture gives you a fundamental understanding of how to apply the Worden proprietary indicators MoneyStream and Time Segmented Volume (TSV) to your portfolio. Find out where the smart money is going in stocks by contradicting price with divergences, and use the TC2000's sorting and scanning capabilities to apply the MoneyStream and TSV indicators in your chart analysis today.

Best of 2010 Training Classes
Julia Ormond, Michael Thompson
MoneyStream and Time Segmented Volume (TSV), two proprietary Worden indicators, can be used to find where the smart money is going in stocks. Michael Thompson teaches you how to find out using StockFinder's simple and powerful condition tools. You will learn how to find stocks with desired indicator behaviors and explore the concept of divergence with two powerful indicators that show you how to contradict and lead price.

Best of 2009 Training Classes
Julia Ormond, Michael Thompson
Learn how to use Worden's proprietary indicator, MoneyStream, to find and analyze stocks experiencing "price momentum". By detecting stocks which are rapidly gaining or losing price, MoneyStream's powerful condition rule feature helps you isolate the ideal candidates for standy day trading.

How to Find Dark Pool Activity
Martha Stokes, C.M.T.
Looking at the “inside market” activity for dark pools allows you to see the action before it is reflected in price. Beginning with market structure basis Martha traces the 9 distinct components of the cycle of market participation. She also explores the role of high frequency trading and how it affects the efficiency of retail trading. Dark pools are a new type of technical trading creating trading ranges within the market day and their footprints can easily identified by using “hybrid” indicators created with the electronic market in mind. Using real chart examples, Martha shows how the Worden Proprietary indicators can be used to help identify dark pools and capitalize on the price movement that comes on the heels of that accumulation.

How to Exploit High Frequency Trading Activity
Martha Stokes, C.M.T.
Defining volatility by the market participant’s roles, Martha focuses on the unique contemporary role of the high frequency traders. This modern market phenomena has emerged as a critical intraday influence. This computer generated order processing system can be exploited by the average retail trader if he learns to identify the activity. Using Worden’s Balance of Power and Time Segmented Volume, Martha shows how to unmask the high frequency trading and capitalize on the velocity moves they often cause. Using her unique Market Condition Analysis system created in TC2000, Martha shows how to follow market participants and leverage their trading activity.

Interpreting Proprietary Indicators
Peter Worden
With a fascinating history of Worden Brothers and TC2000, Peter Worden introduces the development and constitution of the proprietary indicators MoneyStream, Balance of Power and Time Segmented Volume. Rising from Don Worden’s early analysis of ‘tick volume’, these indicators have become key in sniffing out ‘hidden’ buying and selling. The key role of systematic accumulation and distribution most often applied by institutions can be critical for retail trader’s stock selection decisions. Focusing on the power of these indicators to contradict price (divergence) Peter shows you how to interpret the key signals these indicators give in price movement. Using real chart examples, Peter shows how he uses the proprietary indicators in his daily trading.